It’s the most popular thing to dip tortillas in, and a staple at every party–salsa. Sure, maybe you’ve likely had it before and know that you hate it, like it or love it, but what is salsa anyways? For those unaware, salsa is a tomato-based, spiced sauce typically used for dipping, and can include such ingredients as onions, chiles, peppers and other vegetables.
One of the best parts of this Mexican dish are the fresh salsa calories. In one tablespoon, there are five fresh salsa calories. That’s it! This means that it’s a healthy, delicious snack that can help you fit all your daily vegetables in, without having to chomp down on something boring, like celery.
However, getting the fresh salsa calories from dip can get a little bor Continue reading “Three Awesome Ways You Can Add Salsa to Your Recipes”