California had almost 250,000 personal bankruptcy filings in 2011, with almost three quarters of them being Chapter 7 filings. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy filings are different, with Chapter 7 being liquidation of marketable assets and Chapter 13 being reorganization of assets. Much of this explosion in bankruptcy filings is a result of the recent downturn in American economics, as seen by some of the latest unemployment statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics that say more than five million Americans have been unemployed for more than half a year.
Chapter 7 Los Angeles filings can account for a significant amount of California’s numerous filings, as it is one of the largest metropolitan areas in California. The greater Los Angeles area covers two counties, both Los Angeles County and Orange County in California. For a bankruptcy attorney Orange County CA is a growing market if one is looking to establish a firm.
When looking for a bankruptcy attorney Los Angeles offers a multitude of options with the vast geographic mass of the metropolitan area. Orange County bankruptcy attorneys can and do serve much of the Los Angeles area. If you’re looking for a bankruptcy attorney los angeles california is one of the best places to find one due to the expertise and options available in the greater Los Angeles area.
To find a bankruptcy attorney Orange County CA is very easy, but bankruptcy is often a personal issue that many do not want to advertise. Any Orange County bankruptcy attorney will help not only with the court papers, but also with a plan for your recovery after filing for a Chapter 7.
In the search for a bankruptcy attorney Orange County CA offers professionals with expertise, knowledge, and sympathy to aid you in this harrowing time.