Ever since the beginning of recorded human history, human beings have constructed dwelling places that they can call “home.” However, as technology has evolved and changed over the course of the last several thousand years, these dwellings in which human beings have lived in have changed considerably.
For example, in Africa during the prehistoric periods, many thousands of human beings lived in caves which they discovered hidden in the sides of mountains or canyons. These caves offered their human inhabitants protection from the elements and natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and fires. However, these caves and other primitive prehistoric dwellings lacked many of the modern conveniences and amenities that have long since become associated with modern houses, such as air conditioning, running water, and self storage buildings. Luckily for these prehistoric cave people, however, these cave people did not require self storage buildings because they did not have many possessions to put into these self storage buildings.
Houses became considerably more advanced in Europe during the Middle Ages. During this historical period, human beings replaced their primitive stone caves for ornate stone castles which were often constructed on the very tops of tall mountains and tall hills. These castles offered even more protection for their human inhabitants against the elements and other natural catastrophes such as fires, floods, and earthquakes. However, they still lacked many of the modern conveniences and amenities which have since become associated with modern houses; these modern conveniences include air conditioning and running water. These castles did include self storage buildings, self storage containers, and public storage facilities because human beings during the Middle Ages owned a lot more objects than their prehistoric ancestors.
Today, human beings have traded their large and ornate stone castles for more modest houses which are located in suburbs a few miles outside of major cities (as opposed to the tops of hall mountains and fortified hills). This change happened because many modern home owners do not want to protect themselves and their property from their neighbors; instead, these modern home owners want to invite their neighbors to spend some time in their homes. Consequently, these modern homes are designed to be small, cozy, and comfortable for all inhabitants who step inside. These smaller homes do not leave much room for self storage buildings. Consequently, many companies have sprouted up over the last fifty years which rent self storage buildings to home owners who have accumulated too much stuff to store in their attics and basements. These companies which rent self storage buildings to homeowners typically charge about ten dollars every month for the storage space that they rent out to their clients. More on this. Helpful sites. More information like this.
I once owned a house, but it became so cluttered with objects that I had to purchase a self storage unit to keep it all organized. Then I lost the house, and now I have to live in the self storage unit with my family.
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!
Your story truly touches me, old timer. It truly does. And when I say that it touches me, I mean that it makes me laugh my ass off. What a hilarious story about your own stupidity!