Starting A Lawn Care Business – Interior Painting Tips

The lawn care industry has been growing rapidly, making an annual revenue of $76 billion year , and growing at a 3.4 percentage rate per year. Lawns will stay in the near future, for the time being.
A lot of lawn-care business owners earn between $5,000 to $50,000 their first year. The business can make up to $250,000 every year after couple of years in the their business. In other words, running an lawn care business can have a lot of potential for making money.
The expense of a mower, whipper snipper, leaf blower, and trailer to carry it all may be enough to get the business off in the right direction. In addition, you can invest up to $100,000 in order to purchase an established lawn care or landscaping business.
A mower, whipper snipper, leaf blower, and a trailer that can transport all of it could be all that’s needed to get the business off in the right direction. As an alternative, if you’re considering buying an existing lawn care or landscaping company it could cost higher than 100,000. You should watch this short video to know more about the lawn care businesses. imi8gmkuli.

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