If your company is thinking about instituting a bring your own device program, here are a few facts about enterprise mobile solutions and mobile device management that you need to know first.
1. Mobile Device Management, which is also referred to as MDM like those such as enterprise mobile solutions, can streamline platform set up and device enrollment processes. Some of the most important aspects of these apps are authentication, registration of employee owned devices or enterprise mobility applications devices, and applying default device settings.
2. Mobile device management is a crucial aspect of Bring Your Own Device, or BYOD, policies, due to the facts that loss of personal devices can lead to security issues. Enterprise mobile management software is paramount to a successful bring your own device plan.
3. A cloud based mobile device management solution, such as those offered by enterprise mobility management, can automatically and immediately support new mobile operating systems upgrades and releases. This means that you will be able to keep the devices used by your employees up to date with all the latest security upgrades.
4. Did you know that 70 percent of smartphone users regularly check their work email outside of normal business hours?
5. As many as 54 percent of employees use tablets for both personal and business reasons. This is one of the reasons that bring your own device programs have become so popular.