In response to industry needs, the British Retail Consortium, or BRC, developed and introduced the BRC Food Technical Standard for evaluating the food product brand of retailers. Later, in 2009, the BRC worked with the Retail Industry Leaders Association to develop the North America edition of the Global Standard for Consumer Products. These guidelines, as well as As9100 and other certifications help keep for and other products safe and healthy. Training for AS9100, BRC certification, and other ISO training can help prevent the spread of dangerous germs and bacteria that mismanaged foods can harbor.
Different food safety certification, including AS9100, can help prevent the spread of bacteria like Listeriosis, which commonly occurs in those who are immunocompromised, pregnant women, the elderly, and newborn infants. Those groups, perhaps more than others, need healthy food that is protected by AS9100 and other guidelines in order to stay healthy. Luckily, Haccp certification training is available to ensure that food handlers use the safest and most effective practices when managing food. This can go a long way towards preventing the spread of dangerous germs and bacteria.
On June 15, 2011, the Energy Management Standard, ISO 50001:2011 was released. If used in cooperation with AS9100 and other certifications and guidelines, it can be very beneficial to keeping food clean and safe. While not all food handlers follow AS9100 and other guidelines, those that do are providing a valuable service to those that consume their food and themselves. After all, individuals are more likely to eat food that they know is clean and healthy, so a business could potentially help themselves grow by following many different food management standards.