A study that was published by the American Journal of Psychiatry found that based on a 16 year study of 1,920 people, those who were marijuana addicts were likely to develop depression at a rate four times greater than those who were not. Unfortunately, marijuana is the illegal drug that is used most commonly in the U.S. today, and if you are a marijuana addict who is not happy with the way things have turned in your life, then it is time for you to think about marijuana addiction treatment options so that you can take control back of your life. While the question of whether or not marijuana is addicting is an easy one to answer when you already know that you are an addict, it is learning how to quit smoking pot that can be a lot harder.
Craving is the symptom most commonly reported by former marijuana addicts in the earliest stages of abstinence, but rest assured that with proper cannabis treatment, you will be able to rise above your addiction and squash it once and for all. Participating in a marijuana addiction program is a great way for you to get some help with your problem in the form of human support. Sometimes, it takes someone else’s strength to be a positive influence on your own and this can become a huge motivator for you. Ultimately, you will find a way to quit your addiction and live a clean life.
More research here: www.secretaddiction.org