How Floridians Benefit From Representation By Social Security Lawyers

Social security disability

During the year 2010, residence in the state of Florida saw more than $49.2 billion doled out through Social Security. Social Security attorneys played a large role in this service. A Social security disability attorney is a licensed professional that understands Social Security law, appeals and the process for maximizing benefits. Since 90 percent of people in the state of Florida that are 65 years old or older currently receives Social Security, and since 27 percent of the Florida population will be 65 years old or older by 2030, the importance of Social Security lawyers will continue to rise. A veterans lawyer is another useful resource for Floridians. There are veterans lawyers in Florida that work with elderly residents that previously served in the military and help them stay above the poverty line. In fact, without benefits through Social Security, about 1 million residents in Florida age 65 or older would fall into poverty.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that between the years of 1996 and 2009, the amount of disabled worker benefits that were awarded to working people aged 45 years or older increased from 67 percent to 76 percent . This ongoing increase in payments means the overall resource of Social Security is diminishing. Social Security lawyers can protect you from missing out on maximum benefits. Locate a Social security disability lawyer or Social Security lawyers that operate in the state of Florida by starting your search for one of these professionals on the web.

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