What is Peripheral Neuropathy? – Health Talk Online

It is a condition that (including carpal tunnel syndrome) can affect the nerve that is affected. The majority of times, however peripheral neuropathy can affect many nerves at the same time.

Any of the three nerves within the peripheral nervous system is susceptible to being impaired by peripheral nerve disease. It can cause the muscles to weaken or become twitchy when it is affected by the motor nerves. It can also cause the sensation of tingling and pain if it’s affected by sensory nerves. It can also affect the autonomic nervous system and cause temperature control troubles and issues with the gastrointestinal and cardiac systems.

Systemic diseases like diabetes are related to extensive peripheral neuropathy. Diabetes patients who have abnormal neurological symptoms like tingling, numbness, or the weakness of their hands or feet must see their physician immediately. Managing your blood sugar levels is essential to halting or slowing the growth of peripheral neuropathy.

If you aren’t diabetic, neurologists can assist you find the source of peripheral neuropathy. He will also offer appropriate treatments. ew4koqcpht.

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